+44 20 7605 4142

Booking Summary


Restaurant Pass

I don't want a restaurant pass I would like a restaurant pass

Additional Courses

I do not want to add another course I would like to add another course

Individual Tuition

I don't want individual tuition I would like individual tuition


Additional Accommodation

Your accommodation was succesfully added to your booking. Would you like to add some more accommodation?
I do not want to add accommodation I would like to add accommodation

Special requirements


We can arrange for you to be met at your arrival airport and taken to your accommodation

Additional Transfer

Your transfer was successfully booked. Would you like to book another transfer?
I do not need to add a transfer I would like to add a transfer


Insurance cover allows you to recover the course fees in case of illness and may cover your medical expenses
I do not want to add insurance I would like to add insurance (recommended)

You have already purchased insurance. If you would like to remove or change your insurance, please click the ‘Remove’ button in the summary section above

Please tick here to confirm you have agree with the terms and conditions of insurance. * (click to read)

Student Details

Are you booking this course on behalf of someone else and are you the contact person?
No Yes
If you are the one making this booking, your details go here
Title *
First Name *
Last Name *
Organisation Details *
Phone *
Email *

Student Details

Title *
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Has an agent advised you?
How did you hear about us?
Which contact details should we use:
Home Work
Date of Birth *
Level *
Address Line 1 *
Address Line 2
City *
Post Code/Zip Code *
Country *
Telephone *
First Language *
Nationality *
Passport Nationality *
Special Requirements

Visa Requirements

Do you require a visa to study in the UK?
No Yes
Passport Number *
Passport Expiry Date *
17/01/2025 ]
Place of Issue
Date of Issue
17/01/2025 ]
Visa Type *
Visa Details (if known)
Courier Documents
We respect your privacy and will only contact you with information you might find helpful.Tick here to receive emails about courses, promotions and news from The London School of English
Tick here to give The London School of English permission to use any feedback, reviews or testimonials you give us.

Payment Details

The deposit amount shown below is due when the booking is confirmed.
The balance is due 30 days before the course starts
No booking is guaranteed until we have confirmed it. The automatic confirmation at the end of this booking process is not a guarantee of a course place.
Do not book flights or make any other arrangements until you have heard from us
Voucher Code
Total Amount
Payment Method *


Nearly There!

Please check your details below and check the terms and conditions

Payment Details

The deposit amount shown below is due when the booking is confirmed.
The balance is due 30 days before the course starts
No booking is guaranteed until we have confirmed it. The automatic confirmation at the end of this booking process is not a guarantee of a course place.
Do not book flights or make any other arrangements until you have heard from us
Voucher Code
Total Amount
Payment Method *
Please tick here to confirm you have read and agree to the terms and conditions of your booking Please check to say you agree to the terms to continue

Thanks for your booking

Only one more step to go!

Please click pay to finish your booking

You’ll be redirected to our secure SagePay payment page.

Thank you for your order

Your order has been received. We will assess your application and may require further information in order to process your booking and send a confirmation letter but will be in contact within 48 hours.

Your password has been updated


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